Lowest Ever CRS Requirement for Skilled Workers

On May 31st IRCC held another draw, inviting 3,877 candidates to apply for permanent residence (PR). Candidates with a score of 413 and higher were selected from the Express Entry pool.  This is the LOWEST CRS score of all time.

In the first 5 months of 2017, the IRCC has invited 47,876 candidates from the Express Entry system to apply for permanent residence.   This is more than all of 2016 combined when 33,782 were invited to apply.

The IRCC is inviting an increased number of candidates each draw which is bringing down the required CRS score in each progressive draw. This is great news for applicants who are interested to apply for permanent residence in Canada. Not only the IRCC is choosing more number of candidates, the timing between each draw is also narrowing.  More regularly a draw happens, the lower the CRS score. Previously, draws occurred each 2 – 3 weeks. We are currently observing draws occurring each 1 – 2 weeks. This draw came 5 days after the past draw which clarifies the record low in the CRS score. The IRCC appears to be extremely determined to meet the expanded portion for the Federal Skilled Worker class and meet the arranged focuses for 2017.

Individuals that are keen on moving to Canada as permanent residents can take advantages of these unusually low CRS scores. Many candidates who have been in the Express Entry pool for a year or two holding up, and they at last have been chosen to apply for permanent residence. There has never been a better time to apply for PR.

To see whether you are qualified to apply for permanent residence, use our ASSESSMENT FORM to weigh your chances to come to Canada. We will send you FREE initial assessment report in 24 to 48 hours.

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